BSAEU Online Application Portal

Rules & Regulations of Online Application for 4-year Integrated (old regulation) B.A.B.Ed. / B.Sc.B.Ed. Programme Based on CBCS in Self-financed College (affiliated under BSAEU) for the session : (2022-26)

  1. Medium of instructions: Bengali/ English
  2. The 4-year integrated programme shall be of a duration of four academic sessions, which can be completed in a maximum of six years from the date of admission to the programme.
  3. Availability of Honours (Core) Subjects under CBCS Curriculum for the session 2022-26:
    • Bengali,English,Geography,History,Hindi,Botany,Physics,Mathematics,Chemistry,Zoology
  4. Availability of Pass Subjects under CBCS Curriculum for the session 2022-26:
    • Bengali, English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany.
  5. Eligibility:
    • Candidates with 50% marks or equivalent grade in the Higher Secondary / 10+2 level / equivalent Examination. Student from VOCATIONAL COURSES are not eligible for application. There shall be relaxation of 5% marks in favour of SC, ST and PWD (Person with Disability) categories.
    • Note: In the calculation of percentage of marks at (10+2) level / Higher Secondary / equivalent, marks of the best five Subjects, available in the mark sheet, will be considered. Marks of Environmental Studies may be considered among the best five Subjects if it is found under Compulsory Elective/Optional Elective in the Mark Sheet.
    • A Candidate will choose that subject as Core Subject (Honours) which he/she has studied at the Higher Secondary / 10+2 level / equivalent
  6. Selection Procedure:
    • Selection for admission to the programme shall be made strictly on the basis of merit to be determined by the percentage of marks obtained in the honours subject applied for the Higher Secondary / 10+2 level / equivalent Examinations. In case of applicants whose marks are identical in the preferred honours subject, aggregate marks obtained in the Higher Secondary/10+2 level/equivalent exam will be considered.
    • The University also reserves the right to drop or include any name, if any suppression of facts on the part of the applicants or any discrepancy in the calculation of grade point is detected at any stage before and after admission
    • Rules of the University (BSAEU), The Govt. of the West Bengal, Dept. of Higher Education & the NCTE shall be followed, as and when notified
  7. Please note very carefully that as per letter F.No. DEB/QMC/2013 dated 23.08.2013, issued by University Grants Commission (UGC), Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002 that a University established or incorporated by or under a State Act shall operate Open and Distance Learning Programme only within the territorial jurisdiction allotted to it under its Act and in no case beyond the territory of the State of its location with effect from 23rd August, 2013
  8. There will be no reservation of seats in Self-financed Teacher's Training Colleges following the notification of the Kolkata Gazette, vide Registered no. WB/ SC- 247, NO. WB (Part-I)/ 2014/ SAR- 6, dated-03.01.2014 (under sl. No. 3).
  9. The syllabus under CBCS system for the 4 Year Integrated B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc.B.Ed. programme was prepared and approved by Department of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal, Vide Order No. 385/EDN(CS)/10M-39/2015 on 17.04.2017
  10. Attendance:
    • The minimum attendance of student- teachers shall be 80% for all course work & practicum and 90% for school internship.
    • Up to 15% waiver may be granted by Hon'ble VC on the recommendation of the Principal of the Institute on payment of usual fees prescribed by the University. If a student represents University/State/National/District in sports and games or NCC/NSS/Scout-Guides/Cultural activities or any official activity, he/she is permitted to avail 30 days academic leave in an academic year based on the recommendation of the head of the Institution, supported by necessary document from competent authority.
    • There shall be no condonation if any attendance is below 65 % in any course during any semester, for any reason.
  11. On the basis of on-line submission of application, the University shall prepare a provisional Merit List based on marks of the particular subject for which honours course is applied for without verification of the accuracy and authenticity of the data submitted by the applicants. Applicants shall remain responsible for the inaccuracy / insufficiency and lack of authenticity of the data entered and the candidature may be cancelled at any stage of admission and even during the continuation of the programme. The rank of any Candidate in the provisional rank list may be changed due to inaccuracy / insufficiency and lack of authenticity of the data entered. Verification of the accuracy / sufficiency and authenticity of the data entered be done after admission. Candidates, engaged in any other Course of Studies/Job/Fulltime Research Work, shall not be allowed to pursue this programme simultaneously. Candidates must verify eligibility and availability of core subject before online submission of the application form
  12. The college shall be obliged to follow the fee structure and other terms and conditions specified by the State Government / Competent Authority under NCTE regulations from time to time. In addition to the above fees, students will pay only Enrollment fee, Examination fee etc. separately prescribed by the University from time to time.
  13. Schedule of Admission to 4 year Integrated B.A.B.Ed. / B.Sc.B.Ed. Programme for the session 2022-26:
  14. Sl. No Events Date
    1 On-line Application starts on 1st July 2023 (Saturday) from 11:00 A.M.
    2 Last date of On-line Application 15th July 2023 (Saturday) up to 10:30 P.M.
    3 Last date of Submission of Application fee 15th July 2023 (Saturday) up to 11:00 P.M.
    4 Publication of College/Honours Subject- wise merit list. 20th July 2023 (Thursday)
    5 Admission in the respective Colleges Within 25th July 2023 (Monday)
    6 Submission of admitted student data to University (through email) Within 26th July 2023 (Tuesday)
    7 Commencement of Class 1st August 2023 (Tuesday)
  15. Application fee is Rs. 600/- for General / OBC-A / OBC-B candidates and Rs. 350/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates (APPLICATION FEE APPLICABLE ONLY FOR SELF-FINANCED COLLEGES).